
The Blog by Dispotech. On this page you can find news, updates, curiosities about the world of disposable products for the medical, dental, mass retail and sport sectors. Many posts are also dedicated to brief guides and how-tos to optimise the job with disposable products and gain the best results in every field. In addition, we will update you about the events attended by Dispotech and the launch of new products. Follow us on this page to keep always in touch with Dispotech's world!

Come Si Differenziano I Camici Del Personale Sanitario.I8741 Kgrzpwx W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
31 July 2020

How to distinguish a gown from a surgical gown?

Today we are trying to outline the differences between the gowns worn by health care staff.

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Come Alleviare I Dolori Alla Schiena Utilizzando Il Ghiaccio Istantaneo.I8701 K9i1k9z W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
23 July 2020

Back pain and how to treat it with ice packs

On the Dispotech blog today we will be discussing back pain: annoying and at times very painful, it can be alleviated with the benefits of ice.

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Quando Utilizzare Sacchi Caldi O Gelo A Seguito Di Piccoli Infortuni Durante Lo Sport.I8661 Kzlelht W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
17 July 2020

When to use heat and cold therapy?

Welcome back to the Dispotech blog! Supported by an article published on the website, today we will try to shed some light on the issue of when and how to use cold or heat packs after a minor injury, fall, bruising, pulled muscle, etc.

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Quando Usare Il Sacco Gelo O Il Sacco Caldo.I8641 K7puqfb W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
10 July 2020

When to use an ice pack or a heat pack?

Today on the Dispotech blog, we’ll be discussing cold packs and heat packs: when to use one or the other?

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Il Futuro Dell Healthcare Post Covid.I8581 Kb3ced W280 L1 News
18 June 2020

The future of post-Covid healthcare

Welcome back to another appointment with Dispotech blog news. Today, in light of the many changes we are facing due to of Covid-19, let's analyse what the future of healthcare will look like in light of the pandemic that has plagued the entire world - and that we are still facing.

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Mascherine E Visiere Protettive Come Ci Aiutano.I8561 Kniq43i W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
12 June 2020

Protective masks and visors, how are they helping us?

Another appointment with Dispotech news. Today we are talking about two fundamental safety devices to cope with the spread of Covid-19: we are talking about protective masks and visors.

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Come Utilizzare Un Termometro Infrarossi.I8541 Kwudmck W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
05 June 2020

How to use an infra-red thermometer

This week we will talk about a very important and widely used tool in the containment of the spread of Corona virus: infra-red thermometers.

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Alcune Societa Di Alcolici Hanno Aiutato Ad Affrontare L Emergenza Producendo Gel Mani.I8481 K9qqlwk W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
22 May 2020

Distilleries and breweries that produce gel

alcohol manufacturers that, to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and lend a hand, have started to produce hand-sanitizing gels.

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I Nuovi Prodotti Dispo Chair Cover Copri Riuniti.I622 Kihezs7 W922 H401 F1 L1
19 May 2020

Dental Chair Covers: The Latest Products for Dentists Like You

Dispotech has launched a new line of disposable products which include three different types of dental chair covers, highly hygienic and extremely easy to be disposed of. Here’s a presentation of Dispotech disposable dental chair covers and all the components they are made of. Take a look at our offer and contact us for a free quote: we ship worldwide!

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