
The Blog by Dispotech. On this page you can find news, updates, curiosities about the world of disposable products for the medical, dental, mass retail and sport sectors. Many posts are also dedicated to brief guides and how-tos to optimise the job with disposable products and gain the best results in every field. In addition, we will update you about the events attended by Dispotech and the launch of new products. Follow us on this page to keep always in touch with Dispotech's world!

Inquinamento Medical line
21 September 2021

Pollution, could recyclable PPE solve the problem?

the proposal of the UK and more specifically of the NHS (the country's national health system) to use recyclable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to reduce pollution.

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Acqua Sport
08 September 2021

Why is water so important for the body

The importance of constant hydration and the necessary maintenance of water homeostasis in our bodies.

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Insect Bites Article News
21 July 2021

Methods for treating insect bites: just add ice

In today’s article published on the Dispotech blog, you will find some very useful tips with some quick and effective methods for treating insect bites. In summer, it’s not so uncommon to be stung, hence it’s best not to be caught out unprepared and to always be able to act quickly to speed up the healing process.

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Blog Come Combattere Il Caldo Durante L'estate Medical line
20 July 2021

How to beat the heat

As with every year, summer makes its presence known with increasingly higher temperatures, mugginess and heat spikes. It is vital to pay attention to the impact that sun exposure without taking the necessary precautions can cause. In this article, supported by a piece on the site of, we offer some advice for enjoying your summer in peace and safety.

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Arab Health 2021 Leggi Il Report Post Fiera Di Dispotech.I9301 Kzuq5o W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
13 July 2021

Arab Health 2021: read the Dispotech's fair report

What was it like exhibiting at a major international event after this long stop? Read the article.

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Blog Come Utilizzare Il Gelpack Contro Il Mal Di Schiena Medical line
05 July 2021

Gel packs and back pain

Today on the Dispotech blog, we are looking into gel packs, their use (both cold and hot), and how they can help us handle acute pain by bringing us relief.

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Blog La Crioterapia Per Combattere Lo Stress Dovuto Alla Pandemia
19 May 2021

Cryotherapy to combat stress due to quarantine

We will talk again about cryotherapy and the increasing number of people undergoing these cold-based treatments also for stress relief. As a result of the pandemic in particular, so many people have contacted specialized centres to try the beneficial effects of cold therapy. But let's find out more about this topic thanks to an article posted on

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Come Riscaldare Correttamente Un Gelpack.I9181 Kvs4qb W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
16 April 2021

How to heat up a gel pack

Today we are going to talk about the gel pack and its double use: cold, as well as hot! Yes, because a gel pack can be a useful ally not only when kept in the freezer, but also if heated.

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Blog Come Valutare L'efficacia Di Una Mascherina
09 April 2021

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a mask

Since the beginning of the pandemic, numerous studies have successfully stated that yes, the mask is effective and protects from contagion.

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