
The Blog by Dispotech. On this page you can find news, updates, curiosities about the world of disposable products for the medical, dental, mass retail and sport sectors. Many posts are also dedicated to brief guides and how-tos to optimise the job with disposable products and gain the best results in every field. In addition, we will update you about the events attended by Dispotech and the launch of new products. Follow us on this page to keep always in touch with Dispotech's world!

L Importanza Del Gel Mani Contro Il Coronavirus.I8401 Kdhez28 W922 H401 F1 L1 News
08 May 2020

The importance of hand sanitizer against Coronavirus

As the title of the article suggests, we will be discussing how the world of sports has also been overwhelmed by the Coronavirus emergency.

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Di Cosa Avra Bisogno Un Kit D Emergenza Post Covid 19.I8381 Klphwtw W922 H401 F1 L1 News
24 April 2020

What do you need in an emergency kit?

Today, on Dispotech's blog, we address a very useful topic and we're certain that, after reading the article, you'll be ready to tidy up your home first aid kit

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Consigli Per Fare Sport In Casa Durante Il Coronavirus.I8361 K5kvli W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
16 April 2020

Tips for exercising at home during Coronavirus

During this period of quarantine due to the Coronavirus, there are several activities we can do at home: physical exercise is one of them.

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La Disinformazione E I Rumors Errati Riguardanti Il Coronavirus.I8341 K2ynryu W922 H401 F1 L1 News
08 April 2020

Misinformation and erroneous rumors about the Coronavirus

The global crisis regarding the spreading of the Coronavirus has caused concern on several fronts: the health and economic sectors are only two among those most affected. In a delicate moment like this, it is important to provide correct information: avoiding the spread of fake and absurd news is essential in preventing anxiety and uncontrolled behaviour. Thanks to the support of an article published on, we will talk about how experts and researchers condemn misinformation and fake news about the Coronavirus.

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Come Dispotech Affronta L Emergenza Covid 19.I8322 Klofz04 W922 H401 F1 L1 News
26 March 2020

Dispotech's approach to the COVID-19 emergency

We want to share with you the actions taken by Dispotech to counter the spread of Coronavirus (covid-19) and - at the same time - ensure the continuity in the supply of some of its medical devices.

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Migliori Pratiche Di Prevenzione E Controllo Delle Infezioni Ospedaliere.I8301 Kzpzxma W922 H401 F1 L1 News
24 March 2020

Best anti-infection, prevention and control practices

It is impossible for us not to address the Coronavirus, a virus spreading in our country for weeks now, causing contagions, deaths and so much fear among all of us. It is important to talk about it and convey the right information, both for the sake of accurate information and to avoid unjustified panic.

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I Benefici Del Ghiaccio Contro Le Emicranie.I5840 Kz9rnop W922 H401 F1 L1 Medical line
05 March 2020

The benefits of ice against migraines

Ice has many beneficial properties which, for at least a century now, have been used to treat pain and migraines. Let’s delve further into the topic and find out more.

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Come Il Covid Sta Influenzando Economicamente Il Mondo Dello Sport.I8501 Kpqhsvu W922 H401 F1 L1 Sport
29 February 2020

How Covid is affecting the world of sports

s the title of the article suggests, we will be discussing how the world of sports has also been overwhelmed by the Coronavirus emergency. Many changes have affected sports all over the world: let’s have a closer look with the help of an article published on

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Come Sono Nate Le Mascherine E Perche.I8221 Krdcau W922 H401 F1 L1 News
27 February 2020

Face masks history

What role do face masks play? Is their widespread use by the population really helping to contain the contagion? How were face masks first developed and why? Let's try to give accurate information and answer these simple but important questions; to do so, we use the support of an in

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