
The Blog by Dispotech. On this page you can find news, updates, curiosities about the world of disposable products for the medical, dental, mass retail and sport sectors. Many posts are also dedicated to brief guides and how-tos to optimise the job with disposable products and gain the best results in every field. In addition, we will update you about the events attended by Dispotech and the launch of new products. Follow us on this page to keep always in touch with Dispotech's world!

Lenzuolino Medico Dispo Roll Medical line
21 December 2022

The use of disposable medical sheets: Dispo Roll

Today on the Dispotech blog we will be discussing a medical device that is fundamental for both medical clinics and other types of facilities: we are referring to the medical sheet, or rather, the cover (made of paper or other materials, as we will discover together) that is placed over an examination table/seat to ensure maximum hygiene and safety for patients.

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Nuovo Dispo Blog (10) Medical line
11 November 2022

Remedies against toothache

A new appointment with the Dispotech news!

Everyone has suffered from toothache at least once in their lives.  It is a very annoying, intense and often disabling pain.

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Nuovo Dispo Blog (11)
11 November 2022

How can ice reduce swelling?

This week on the Dispotech blog we will explain how ice can reduce swelling.  How does cold therapy work?  We will explain how it works here, together with its many benefits.


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Nuovo Dispo Blog (12)
11 November 2022

The energy crisis in disposable products

The energy crisis in disposable products

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Nuovo Dispo Blog (13)
11 November 2022

Cryotherapy in tennis

Our journey continues in the discovery of cold therapy, and its many facets as well as benefits.  Today we will explore together what cryotherapy is, a relatively new but very effective method that is very popular among sportsmen and women.


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Nuovo Dispo Blog (4) Medical line
04 August 2022

What is a cold burn?

Today on the Dispotech blog we will discuss cold burns. Did you know you can get burned also by overexposure to ice? We have already spoken about it here in our articles, but in this blogpost we will give an in-depth explanation on how to recognise a cold burn, how to intervene and when medical advice should be sought.

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Nuovo Dispo Blog (5) Medical line
02 August 2022

Would you freeze yourself to stay fit?

Today the Dispotech blog will discuss cryotherapy: would you freeze yourself for a few minutes if your entire body benefitted from it?

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Ghiaccio Rimedio Contusioni Senzafarmaci Medical line
02 August 2022

Ice Pack, a drug-free remedy

Did you know that ice is a drug-free remedy that has been used for almost two centuries to combat headaches and migraines? Ice packs can provide great relief for all those who occasionally suffer from them.

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Nuovo Dispo Blog Medical line
23 June 2022

Well-being that comes from cold

Here on the Dispotech blog, we have often spoken about the benefits of cold and how therapy with ice applications (in whichever form is preferred) is excellent for a number of reasons. Supported by an interesting article from, today we will discuss cryotherapy treatments - previously for sports people and celebrities alone, but now much more affordable.

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